Kalórie v potravinách: Zavádzajú nás obchodné reťazce?

Známa americká fitness blogerka Lucy Mountain nazrela do sveta obľúbených potravín z pohľadu energetickej hodnoty. Jej výsledky šokovali celý svet a zmenili pohľad na mnohé obľúbené pochúťky.


Nie každá potravina je totiž tak nezdravá, ako si mnohí z nás myslia. Pozrite sa na výsledky jej štúdie a budete prekvapení. Kalórie v potravinách sú v niektorých prípadoch zarážajúco podobné.


Lucy sa svojím prieskumom snaží zmeniť naše zmýšľanie pri počítaní kalórií. Využíva k tomu jednoduché porovnania, ktoré budú vaším účinným pomocníkom.


Lucy rovnako vysvetľuje, že niekedy na pohľad zdravá potravina nemusí byť pre naše telo prospešná. Naopak malý kúsok čokolády môže priniesť viac úžitku ako hrsť sušených jabĺk. Zamyslite sa aj vy pri najbližšom nákupe a doprajte si niečo nové, chutné a zdravé zároveň.


Odporúčame: Lahodná varená kukurica: Priprav ju takto a neohrozia ťa kalórie!


Fitness blogerka mení svet

Mnohí z nás by si radšej vybrali mandle, či už kvôli ich chuti alebo výživovej hodnote. Pri pohľade na porovnanie ostanete v nemom úžase. Mandle totiž smelo môžete nahradiť ovocnými cukríkmi. Samozrejme nie hocijakými, záleží to od energetickej hodnoty vybranej sladkej pochúťky. Konečne však nebudete musieť mať pri ich konzumácii výčitky svedomia.


Odporúčame:Vysoko kalorické potraviny, ktoré budete potrebovať pri chudnutí

A handful of Almonds vs. A packet of Fruit Pastels ⠀ ⠀ Both snacks have the same calories. Which one would you pick?⠀ ⠀ Occasionally I’m the left hand, but mostly I’m the right hand. (I know, shocking. A person who considers themselves into health and fitness eats sweets - and is openly talking about it on social media.) ⠀ ⠀ You see, although I’m fully aware that a handful of almonds contains lots of wonderful nutrients that would keep me fuller for longer, some days (no matter whether I’m looking to gain, maintain or lose weight) I’ll choose to eat sweets or a chocolate bar as a snack ⠀ Why? Because when the majority of my diet has consisted of well-balanced food that’s full of micronutrients, I have no issue eating something thats less so just because I love the taste of it. This is just a personal choice. Cutting out things I love isn’t realistic for me so I always squeeze something sweet into my days (all whilst still sticking to my calorie/macro/micro targets.)⠀ ⠀ Many would choose the almonds for the nutritional value or the flavour - which is totally fine. Many would choose the almonds because even though they'd prefer Fruit Pastels, almonds would make them feel more ‘on track’ mentally - which again, is totally fin⠀ I’m not glorifying sweets, or almonds for that matter. I’m glorifying knowing what’s in the food you’re eating, and make educated decisions based on your own values. And I value food that’s good for my body and good for my soul.⠀ ⠀ ‘Healthy' to me is exactly what I make it. And Fruit Pastels (in moderation) make me happy which I believe contributes largely to my overall health #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie),

Salt and Vinegar Crisps vs Vegetable Crisps ⠀ ⠀ Each of these bowls contain 1 bag (40g) of crisps. The bowl on the left are salt and vinegar, the bowl on the right are mixed root vegetable.⠀ ⠀ Although the difference in calories is pretty minuscule, you’d expect the vegetable crisps to be considerably less calories right? This is just another little reminder that often there’s not much difference between the product marketed as the ‘healthy alternative’ and the real thing. So go for the thing you actually WANT to eat ⠀ ⠀ Although there are many different aspects that describe ‘healthy’ (yes - it IS subjective), such as salt content, micro-nutrient value and how that food makes them feel, calories play a fundamental part in weight management. This post isn’t to say 'TRACK EVERYTHANG, TRACK THAT DAMN CUCUMBER’, it’s more about looking at your diet within the context of a whole day - and eating the damn salt and vinegar crisps if that’s want you actually want.⠀ ⠀ I want this and all my comparison posts to give encourage freedom with your food choices, not restriction. When 80% of my diet within a day is full of adequate micros and macros, i will ALWAYS eat food I love purely for taste. Because life. Ygm. ⠀ ⠀ (All crisps are vegetable crisps )⠀ ⠀ Which side are you guys going for?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ *Crisps from Co-Op Irresistible range* - #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie),

100g Milk Chocolate vs 100g 85% Dark Chocolate ⠀ ⠀ So it’s pretty unknown that dark chocolate actually has more calories than milk chocolate (and white chocolate for that matter.)⠀ ⠀ Dark is often given the label as the ‘healthy’ version of chocolate. And although calories aren’t the sole indicator of ‘healthy’, we just presume it has lower calories. So which one is best for weight-loss?⠀ ⠀ In most cases, Dark chocolate has less sugar, more fiber and more iron than milk. It’s basically more nutritious than milk chocolate.⠀ ⠀ Regardless, I will always go for milk for two reasons:⠀ ⠀ 1. I think Dark chocolate tastes like garden leaves.⠀ ⠀ 2. Chocolate isn’t something I’ll seek out when I’m looking to pack in those vitamins and minerals - especially in a diet that already consists of adequate fruit, vegetables and micronutrient-dense food I enjoy chocolate for it’s taste, not it’s nutritional value. My diet is inclusive of it always - no matter what my goal is at the time ⠀ ⠀ For those of who genuinely love dark chocolate, keep doing you . However if you PREFER the taste of milk, but force yourself to eat dark because you've read it’s 'healthier', just have the milk chocolate and enjoy it In terms of weight-loss from a calorie perspective, it’s actually more beneficial and will raise happiness levels by 938% (unproven stat.)⠀ ⠀ Don’t eat things you don’t enjoy for the sake of it. Personal enjoyment is ‘healthy’ in my eyes Which side are you guys?!⠀ ⠀ #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie),

11 komentárov

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Vaše meno:

Anna Kristova

Anna Kristova

29.08.2017 15:02

treba vyberať zdravšie potraviny

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Marta Bujdošová

Marta Bujdošová

21.08.2017 11:41

presne, nie vzdy ide o kalorie, urcite hrst mandli je lepsia ako hrst farebnych cukrikov, aj ked su kaloricky podobne, ide tam o celkove zlozenie a nie len kalorie

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Marianna Rajniaková

Marianna Rajniaková

19.08.2017 13:34

dám si na čo mám chuť, hlavne to netreba preháňať a rátať kalórie...aspoň si myslím

Vaše meno:

Milka Damašková

Milka Damašková

18.08.2017 23:07

Keď mám výnimočne chuť na hrsť cukríkov, dám si a netýram sa výčitkami, skôr sa snažím nasledujúce dni trochu kdesi ubrať....ale určite je lepšie si dať hrsť mandlí-z pohľadu výživy

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Mária Maxianová

Mária Maxianová

18.08.2017 20:24

nie vždy ide iba o kalórie

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Lucia Valková

Lucia Valková

18.08.2017 16:00

Možno to tak je,ale určite budem mať lepší pocit z hrste mandlí ako cukríkov..

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Pavlína Vaksmundská

Pavlína Vaksmundská

18.08.2017 15:29

Paráda.. ;-)

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Monika Červinková

Monika Červinková

18.08.2017 13:20

raz som si skúšala počítať kalorie :D kolko dám zo seba a koľko príjmem... no po 2 dňoch ma to prestalo baviť.. na to trea čas a trpezlivosť :D

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Soňa Krátka

Soňa Krátka

18.08.2017 10:20

teraz v lete maškrtím hlavne ovocie z našej záhrady, veru, ani ma nenapadne si kúpiť čokoládu, alebo keksík...

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Alena Gudjáková

Alena Gudjáková

18.08.2017 09:28

Pracujem v potravinách a je viac výrobkov, ktoré by sa dali na nahrádzať ,,maškrtkami" s nižšou energickou hodnotou....

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Soňa Kelemenová

Soňa Kelemenová

18.08.2017 08:37

tak sa všetci zamyslime na tým, keď dnes poobede pôjdeme na nákup, že čo si pridáme do nákupného košíka..... "nie všetko je zlato čo sa blyští...

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