Odstránenie jaziev nie je potrebné: Povieme ti prečo!

Vo svete, ktorý nás núti byť dokonalými a krásnymi, prináša nádhernú zmenu fotografka z Veľkej Británie. Odstránenie jaziev v jej prípade vôbec nemusí byť nutnosťou, čo nám ukazuje aj na svojom instagramovom účte.


Sophie Mayanne zachytáva prostredníctvom svojho objektívu prirodzenú krásu ľudí, ktorých telá sú poznačené nepríjemnými jazvami rôzneho druhu.


"Behind the scars", čo po slovensky znamená "Za jazvami", sa snaží priblížiť fakt, že ľudí a ich krásu treba oslavovať tak, ako boli stvorení a nesnažiť sa ich premieňať na niečo neskutočné a idealizované.


Odporúčame: Zastav sezónne vypadávanie vlasov s prírodou! Skús tieto bylinky!


Keď sa aktivisti snažia zmeniť svet

Za touto stránkou a skupinou stojí iniciatíva aktivistov, ktorú založila práve Sophie Mayanne. Prostredníctvom jej portrétov a fotografií môžete vidieť rôzne ženy a mužov, ktorých koža je pokrytá jazvami po operáciách, chorobách či popálení.


Mayanne často chce, aby sa ľudia na jej fotografiách objali, pretože si zaslúžia obdiv za to všetko, čo zvládli a čím si museli prejsť. Pred jej objektív sa postavilo už viac ako 100 ľudí, ktorí našli odvahu ukázať svoje telá a porozprávať jej svoje príbehy a my by sme sa mali zamyslieť. Naozaj sú naše "problémy" také veľké?


Odporúčame: Ako odstrániť mílie (biele bodky/vyrážky) bezbolestne a bez 

#behindthescars Blanca “I was in a motorcycle accident 10 years ago with my dad whilst on holiday in Thailand. It was around 9pm and we were driving back from dinner, and a car coming from the opposite direction over took another care and came into our lane. My dad veered off to the left, so the car just hit us on our right sides. I broke my femur, which they say is as hard as concrete. I suffered cuts and grazes all over my skin, but luckily those didn’t scar - but my broken leg meant a long scar on my outer thigh. A couple of years later they also realised I had torn a knee ligament - I had surgery and came out with six new scars. Several years later they found yet another torn ligament on the side of my knee, so there was more surgery. I now have 8 scars along my leg, which I love, but since I have hypertonic scarring they’re all quite wide and evident. I remember the first time I wore a skirt after the accident, about 2cm of my scar was showing, and because of that, I didn’t even dare to wear it out. It took a couple of years to get used to the scars, for them to fade enough for me to forget about them. It doesn’t help much when people ask to feel them and then react with a grimace, and say “ew, that feels so gross.”. Slowly I’m starting to realise that they’re not there to make me hate what happened to me. The accident taught me a lot about patience and being thankful for what I have. I really thought I owed it to myself to fall in love with my scar just a little bit more. 10 years and 5 surgeries later, I do still feel the psychological and physical effects of the accident, but I don’t think I would change a thing.” @blancapalmero

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sophie Mayanne (@behindthescars_),

There's £51 left to raise to make #behindthescars in NYC a reality! Click the link in my bio to support support the project!

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sophie Mayanne (@behindthescars_),

#behindthescars Hannah "My body is a merry-go-round of scars - new ones arrive, choose a pitch and nest amongst the constellation etched into my skin. In time, some will fade until I can’t even remember the first time I pressed my finger to puckered flesh and welcomed them to the gang. There are self-harm scars that go back further than I care to remember, some so faint I forget that they’re there until a fluorescent changing room light flickers them into view, others stark with mottled tissue. There are skin biopsy bubbles, surgery scars and a tapestry of tokens from happy drunken mishaps that I will never forget. It’s a canvas that, by and large, I have come to accept, laugh at and learn from. The deepest layer of scarring, however, always been the trickiest to tame. The scars that ripple across my body are an unexchangeable gift from an autoimmune disease called morphea. The nature of the disease means my skin will probably never stop acquiring these new buddies; instead, they’ll come and go in shades of “fuck you”. There are old bruises slowly fading into a web on my stomach from the first two bouts, calcified white patches that are reaching fever pitch and shiny lesions that have only just stirred. If they were static I’m sure I’d be further along in learning to love all of the skin I’m in, but their tempestuous nature makes them hard to ignore. Some days they are so sensitive a brush of fabric can send shivers down my spine and showering has turned into an odd dance I never fancied learning - jumping from sensitivity to hot water, then cold water and then to scrubbing. Although - with a little push and an attempt to see them from a true outsiders perspective - I am learning to love each one as they arrive. They are a part of me: each freckle, mole, scar, tattoo, bruise, and lesion is threaded into the rainbow suit of skin I’m in. So, I’m going to embrace each new stripe because they are a reminder of every battle I’ve fought in this body. As I collect new scars, I will learn to navigate each and every evolution as it arises. " @hannahshewanstevens

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sophie Mayanne (@behindthescars_),

4 komentárov

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Mária Frnová

Mária Frnová

02.10.2017 08:16

každý podľa svojho gusta...

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Mária Maxianová

Mária Maxianová

01.10.2017 18:51

ja mám na krku jazvu po dvojnásobnej operácii štítnej žľazy a vôbec sa tým netrápim, o jazve po cisárskom reze nehovoriac

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30.09.2017 10:39

ja si na jazvu po operácii v lete lepím vodeodolné tetovanie vždy s nejakým letným motívom

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Soňa Krátka

Soňa Krátka

30.09.2017 08:11

...taká odvážna by som ja asi nebola, tiež nemám po pôrodoch dokonalú pokožku na bruchu, 2 cisárske rezy, ale radšej na to neupozorňujem, preto nosím celý život celé plavky, mne to takto vyhovuje

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