Hanbíš sa za popôrodné nedokonalosti? Táto žena ti ukáže, že na to nie je dôvod!

Ženské telo sa počas tehotenstva a najmä po pôrode zmení. U niektorých žien je zmena nebadateľná, no u ďalších zanechávajú gravidita a pôrod výrazne stopy. A veľakrát i trvalé. Strie, ovisnuté prsia aj pokožka na bruchu či iné kožné defekty – to všetko sú malé nedokonalosti, s ktorými sa musia vyrovnať mnohé mamičky. Pre nejednu je to však psychicky veľmi náročné. Dnes je totiž trendom byť jednoducho dokonalá. Z magazínov, televízie aj instagramových profilov na nás vyskakujú fotky bezchybných ženských tiel.

Niet sa potom čomu čudovať, že ženy majú často znížené sebavedomie a nie práve najpozitívnejších vzťah k vlastnému telu. Svoje telo sa snažia neraz schovávať. O to viac to platí pre mamičky, ktoré sa po pôrode museli rozlúčiť zo svojou starou postavou. Otázkou však zostáva, či je vôbec nejaký dôvod na to, aby sa žena hanbila za strie na bruchu, ktoré jej zostali po privedení vytúženého potomka na svet. Odpovedať si môže asi každý sám.

Nie je sa za čo hanbiť!

Sarah Nicole Landry bola už vo svojich dvadsiatich piatich rokoch trojnásobnou mamičkou. Aj u nej jednotlivé tehotenstvá zanechali stopy na jej tele. S novým telom a s nejednou nedokonalosťou na ňom sa spočiatku vyrovnávala len veľmi ťažko. Nevyhla sa depresívnym stavom a terapiám. Sarah sa však rozhodla o chybičkách krásy hovoriť a dnes je vyrovnanou ženou a matkou, ktorá miluje vlastné telo. Nič by na ňom nemenila. Svoje nedokonalosti nemá problém vystaviť na obdiv celému telu.

Na Instagrame, kde ju môžete nájsť pod prezývkou thebirdspapaya, má už cez 198 000 sledovateľov. Sarah na fotkách ukazuje svoju celulitídu, strie aj ovisnuté bruško a vtipkuje o svojich nie práve najpevnejších prsiach. Predstavuje tak skvelú inšpiráciu nielen pre druhé mamičky, ale prakticky pre všetky ženy rozličných vekových kategórií. Poukazuje totiž na to, že každá jedna z nás by sa mala cítiť dobre vo vlastnom tele a mala by s ním byť spokojná. Sarah sa nebojí rozprávať o tom, že mediálny svet je často falošný a nikto nemá právo hovoriť o tom, čo je krásne a čo nie!

Pozri aj: Ruský bloger vytvára paródie celebritných fotografií: Pozor, neprestaneš sa smiať!

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When you were born, ⁣ your parents did not look down at you, ⁣ at your skin, ⁣ your eyes, ⁣ your hair, ⁣ your toes ⁣ and think:⁣ ⁣ “One day, her body will serve others well”. ⁣ ⁣ No.✋⁣ ⁣ They kissed your toes, and stared into your eyes, they held your body, and loved you. ⁣ ⁣ You were not born with responsibility. ⁣ You were not born with a job. ⁣ ⁣ But at some point it became part of our narrative. To live and serve to the benefit of others. To be what others want. To look how others want. To live, how others want. ⁣ ⁣ And we begin to feel twisted inside in fear of and in the face of - rejection. ⁣ ⁣ Because our worth was tied to our bodies, how well we felt we needed to serve with it, how we felt we needed to BE to make others happy. ⁣ ⁣ To slowly quit the jobs we felt we had is not a quick and easy path. ⁣ The take back of our bodies and our minds to support it is no simple task. ⁣ ⁣ And while we are absolutely capable, and quite often DO make others happy... our real responsibility is to our very selves, first, to our own happiness. ⁣ ⁣ I don’t say that because I believe in breeding selfish nature. I say it because I know that we cannot pour from an empty cup. ⁣ We must pour into ourselves so that we even can pour out to others. ⁣ We have to clearly KNOW our worth before we let others try and bargain it. ⁣ We have to understand and own our bodies, so that we make choices for it not driven by others. ⁣ ⁣ We need to stop fearing rejection and start embracing acceptance. ⁣ ⁣ You were born. You were loved. Your body was meant to serve you. You were meant to serve your body. With kindness, food, love, and understanding. ⁣ ⁣ You were born with a purpose. ⁣ And the moment you believe and accept that it’s not a purpose that others placed on you, the quicker and more driven you will be to becoming the you that you were always meant to be. ⁣ ⁣ From the girl who thought her purpose might just be in falling on the sword for everyone else’s happiness - trust me, there IS life after you remove the sword. ⁣

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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Before babies / After babies ⁣ ⁣ But I’m here to say I’M OK WITH IT! ⁣ ⁣ This is a touchy subject and let me remind you - your body, your choice. ⁣Nothing less, nothing more. JUDGMENT-FREE ZONE ⁣ But I wanted to share with you a bit about my choice. Because I struggled immensely with my postpartum/post-weightloss boobs. From a 36DD to a 32B. I was deflated. ⁣Like windsocks. ⁣ ⁣ So, began to explore breast implants. I had planned to sell my house and use a portion of that money to get my refill. ⁣ It’s not even augmented if I’m just taking back what I lost, anyhow! Just a refill. ⁣ ⁣ And I’d love for this to be a story of just straight up bitty-boob-sock-loving acceptance, but it’s not. ⁣ ⁣ I few strong women I follow spoke out about their breast explants. ⁣ YES, EXPLANT. ⁣ ⁣ Meaning? They had them removed. ⁣ ⁣ Why? Why would anyone choose that? ⁣ ⁣ I was baffled. ⁣ ⁣ I read their stories and realized this was now something I had to consider. That breast implant illness is a real thing. Not for everyone. But for many. ⁣ ⁣ I realized after conquering so many obstacles with my health from my food addiction, my gut, chronic fatigue and so much more, I wasn’t ready to take the risk. ⁣ ⁣ During all this I began to just think my lil boobs and curvy waist were kinda adorable. Sure, it’s not societal ideal - but did I care anymore? At the point I think we can all agree - I don’t think I do. ⁣ ⁣ I wanted to share this not from a standpoint of interjecting my opinion into your own process and thoughts on this. I share this from my own heart and choices. I will still cheer on every single woman’s choice for her body, full stop. ⁣ ⁣ I want to just empower your choice, too. ⁣ I want you to take a moment and maybe get to know the other side. ⁣ ⁣ These women are doing brave and beautiful things and I think they’re worth listening to. @diaryofafitmommyofficial @missroyallyfit @jennrichardson.xo who are all very candidly sharing their journey with @breast_implant_illness and without them, I wouldn’t have known even existed. Love your boobs, love them well. Whatever that means for you. Sometimes that just means accepting there is only one Dolly Parton.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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90% of women experience cellulite. Wait, did you feel like you were in the minority here? Girlllll, dimple up! You're normal! Like...Whatever that means... . . It’s never been normalized for us because we haven’t had those doses of reality in media in the past. Except of course “how to eat cucumbers to get rid of pesky cellulite in a week” magazine covers. Which, no thanks. . . . So that’s where we come in. Yes, us. Social media. Pool side. Beach front. In dresses and revealing yoga pants. Self-loving US. . . . Because of massive weight loss, I have both loose skin and cellulite on the backs of my legs. And I have no time or energy to waste on hating that when I'm grateful for the body that carries me daily. Well, minus that sore hip (welcome to your 30's!). . . . The responses have been 99% amazing when I share. I mean, I think we all give each other a big virtual hug when someone in the world makes us feel less alone. But that doesn't mean that there isn't the 1% that sends me links for cellulite reduction or calls me disgusting. . . . There will always be those who throw love and throw hate. It's like cilantro. The difference is, it's YOUR body. So YOU cannot be the one that throws the hate, because you're gonna need the love when the haters come around. You’re front lines here. . . . And I don't have a "thick skin". In fact, I'm insanely sensitive. But I walk in truth about my body now. A practice I practiced daily, and continue to. A practice that fights in love so that when the hate comes around, the impact is quick before it bounces off and is gone. This is the case because when someone calls me gross or ugly, I've already stopped saying those things to myself so it doesn't have a gateway into my mind or heart anymore. . . . So please - Stop walking past the mirror and cringing when the lighting shows it. Stop over analyzing why you seem to be the only one with it. Stop telling yourself it’s ugly or weird. Trust me, it’s really freaking ok. As one of the 90%, like, seriously, it’s cool. . . . Next episode: how 99% of us have arm flap wings. Yes please #angelstatus TYVM!!

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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People always throw words around like “practice self love” as if that makes sense at all. How do you actually *practice* loving yourself? For me it all started with self care. Just being intentional with doing more things that made me feel more confident or joyful. Or taking moments without guilt for myself. Like, it’s really ok to have a bubble bath while your kids chill with Netflix. Even if the dishwasher is full. Even if there’s laundry to be folded. You are still a you. And you need to pour from a full cup, not an empty one. But there’s more to practicing than that. And this one made me feel like the most ridiculous human ever, but I can stand here *confidently* and tell you, yeah ok - it works. You need to start talking to your reflection. And you’ll feel weird and silly and it’ll be a little contrived. But just say it. Tell yourself that your dimples are beautiful. Compliment the stretch marks and how they shimmer. Thank your skin. Bless your curves. Love your bitty boobs or your saggy baggys. Just talk to yourself as if you might actually believe it all to be true. Because eventually, you might start to buy what you’ve been selling. I know this because I hid my butt and hated looking at it more than anything. I would walk backwards out of a room before I’d let anyone see. I’d always have a towel or sarong ready by the poolside before exiting. Avoiding any chance of being seen. And now I’m posting pics of it on the WORLD WIDE WEB for all to stare at. So yeah, I think the practice worked! I think taking care of myself made me feel more worth care. I think filling my feed with #realstagram made me feel less alone and more normalized for you know, having a human body that does natural things. Practice, have patience, speak kindly to yourself and like your butt ✌️ Simple dimples, my friend. Simple dimples. (New saying, pass it along)

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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I've seen a lot of photos of women that look like me, standing in front of a mirror with a sad look on their face, shoulders down, and a slump in their sadness. ⁣ They are taking a before photo.⁣ I've been a before photo, I've been an after photo too.⁣ ⁣ Now I live to honor my present.⁣ Because the photos, while they can be impactful and meaningful to an overall perspective, they don't give the full story.⁣ If they did, I wouldn't have much to talk about these days.⁣ ⁣ I lost the weight, so happily ever after, the end, right?⁣ ⁣ But that wasn't the story. 100lbs and years of worth poured into weight loss, just to feel a sadness you couldn't see in the after photos.⁣ A never-ending insecurity you couldn't possibly imagine. ⁣ An anxiety to leave the house for fear of people seeing me in public and thinking I wasn't actually all that I appeared to be online.⁣ ⁣ It's a hard thing to explain all that self-confidence has done for me. Call it body positive, call it self-love, whatever. But what HAPPENED was I finally believed I was beautiful. Not "EVEN THOUGH" I was flawed, not "WITH THE EXCEPTION OF" and not "FOR A MOM" or "FOR SOMEONE MY AGE". ⁣ I was believing in a beauty that was more real and gritty. ⁣ It was believing that there are different forms of beauty, and only one would be BORINGGGGG. There are facets of beauty. We all have them, we all represent them in our own ways.⁣ I see that now, I know that now.⁣ I can go in public without fear, because I own my power now. ⁣ ⁣ So, I'm sorry not sorry for the contradiction that I should be standing here as a "before" photo sad and slumped. ⁣ I'm sorry not sorry because this is me, boldly and confidently. ⁣ I'm sorry not sorry because this is the best I've ever felt in my life. Mid-30's, squishy and stretched marked, and it's everything I've ever wanted...⁣ Happily ever becoming. ⁣

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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A year ago I never could have posted this. No way. No how. This was my shame. This was my horror. But today, I have no hesitation. No nerves. No “oh my gosh what will they say?”. Just peace. Because I understand now. I understand that this is just the human body. This is a body that has carried three amazing children. This is a body that has been a range of weights swinging 110lbs in difference. This is a body that used to feel worthless and now feels strong. This is a body that needs to be fed with love, attention, kindness and good food. This is a body, and through PRACTICE and EFFORT and EXERCISE in self care, I have grown to love. This is a body that I will use to help show others that they are not alone in their bodies. My friends, this is your life. This is your body. Whether you’re tall or small, curvy or striped, this is you. And you are beautiful. And it takes time to grasp these things. It’s not something that you SUDDENLY magically feel ok with, but the effort in hate is more draining that the effort in love. So, practice. Because it took years of words, pictures of perfection and endless comparisons to create the voice inside your head to where it is today, and now it’s time to redirect. Now it’s time to fill it with new words, new pictures, and valuable connections. Now it’s time to live. Really live. With peace, and understanding. And a love that will not just fill you, but pour into others. Spreading the truths for more to know. That self love, it’s so worth it. So, practice.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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I was in the @knixwear office when they were discussing a new campaign, a movement really, a movement that would create discussion around freedom. ⁣ ⁣ The #FreeTo movement. ⁣ ⁣ #FreeTo... eat candy in bed ⁣ #FreeTo... dance around in your underwear ⁣ #FreeTo... write love letters to yourself ⁣ #FreeTo... rock a bikini ⁣ #FreeTo... be unashamed ⁣ #FreeTo... be unapologetically you⁣ ⁣ My head was spinning with all the things I could only imagine women (and men) may dedicate their freedom posts to. ⁣ ⁣ And well, this is mine. ⁣ You see, last year was the year I freed my body of shame. And one of the bigger parts of that - cellulite. ⁣ Even if 90% of women have it, I felt alone. ⁣ Because of my weight loss, my personal cellulite was much more pronounced. I felt so much shame. How could I lose 100lbs and be covered in it? ⁣ ⁣ But then again, why does it matter? ⁣ Then again, why do I care?⁣ ⁣ Turns out, I don’t really anymore! And now, I’m free to rock my body with cellulite. And ohhhh it’s so freeing!!!!⁣ ⁣ So let me welcome you in joining in on the feeling. ⁣ ⁣ Share what you feel #freeto (using the hashtag) then follow that hashtag to keep in the loop on everyone else’s. ⁣ I PROMISE you, you’re going to have one inspiring feed coming at you. ⁣ ⁣ I mean, posts celebrating freedom? How can you not? ⁣ ⁣ Can’t wait to see yours!! ⁣ You are #FreeTo post anytime ;)

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

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Once a secret gets exposed, it loses its power. ⁣ ⁣ I’ve heard that quote a handful of times before and for whatever reason I always relate it back to my journey with self love. ⁣ ⁣ Because honestly? I felt like I was holding a secret. So much hate. So much misery. So much disgust. OVER MY BODY. ⁣ I would cry over my pregnancy photos. I would cringe at the sight of my body in a mirror after weight loss. I would wear T-shirt’s and cover ups and never ever expose it. ⁣ ⁣ All of these heavy burdens. ⁣ All of them, like a secret. ⁣ ⁣ Posting photos like this might be helping others. But more so, they’ve helped me. They took my secrets into the open. ⁣ ⁣ They lost their power over me. ⁣ ⁣ It was slow but steady, but began completely changing the fibre of my being. So much so, that I still can’t really fully grasp my joy around it. ⁣ ⁣ When I snapped this photo today, I was fascinated. Not ashamed. Not disgusted. ⁣ ⁣ I felt powerful, almost majestic. The human body is sooooo freaking cool, with built-in expanders to allow us to change and adapt, go through puberty, bear children, grow muscles and so much more. ⁣ ⁣ And we sit here and we criticize it for a job well done. ⁣ ⁣ I just don’t want to do that anymore. ⁣ ⁣ I want to take my secrets, my burdens, and my shame, and I want to expose them. Not to set THEM free, but to set ME free. ⁣ ⁣ And I want to HONOUR my body, thank it and love it. ⁣ ⁣ For a job well done. ⁣

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya),

4 komentárov

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Vaše meno:

Vlasta Mäsiarová

Vlasta Mäsiarová

18.04.2019 14:45

Nehanbím sa ta svoju postavu a telo po pôrodoch mojich deti, dvojičky a dcérka mi určite zmenili telo, ale to patrí k životu.

Vaše meno:

Zoran Majkovic

Zoran Majkovic

24.03.2019 12:54

Toto je ta prava americka krasa ! Skoda, ze jej nikto nevysvetlil, ze treba jest potraviny obsahujuce kolagen (napr. huspenina, masko) s C-vitaminom ! Strije su dosledkom nepruznosti koze z nedostatku kvalitneho kolagenu ! Bez C-vitaminu telo nedokaze vytvorit kvalitny kolagen !!!

Vaše meno:

Vlasta Mäsiarová

Vlasta Mäsiarová

18.04.2019 14:49

Keď som bola mladá a rodila som moje 3 detičky, bolo samozrejme, že sme si len olejcekom. Natierala brušká a nemam tak poškodené kožu na tele. Určite v tom hra úlohu aj rodová dedičnosť a iné faktory. Netreba sa hanbiť.

Soňa Krátka

Soňa Krátka

24.03.2019 09:37

...a preto nosím jednodielne plavky od prvého pôrodu, ale klobúk dolu, ja by som to asi nedala, má môj obdiv, ja som radšej nenápadná...

Vaše meno:

Lucia Valková

Lucia Valková

24.03.2019 06:23

Odvážna a krásna žena.Klobuk dole,v dnešnom svete dokonalosti,plastík a retuše má odvahu poukázať na to,o čom je skutočný život a je na to hrdá.

Vaše meno:

Zoran Majkovic

Zoran Majkovic

24.03.2019 12:56

Nema byt na co hrda ... stacilo jest huspeninu a C-vitamin a strije vobec nemusela mat !

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